Seeing and Hearing God: Prayers Of Confession and Adoration.

I was asked to write some prayers for a service this morning. The sermon was on Luke 9:28-43 the transformation of Jesus and the revelation of who he was to Peter, John, and James. How despite this revelation they still did not fully understand what it meant for Jesus to be the Messiah. I wanted to use the theme without referring directly to the scripture being used in the service.

Opening Prayers

“No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him” 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NRSV)

As we gather together this morning Lord Jesus, open our eyes to see you, our ears to hear you, and our hearts and minds to learn from you and draw closer to you, that we may know and love you more.


Prayers of Confession

Lord, for the times we have closed our hearts to you and your creation,

Lord Forgive Us

For the times when we have refused to hear and listen our neighbors,

Lord Forgive Us

For the times when we have turned our eyes away from the need, and the suffering of others,

 Lord Forgive Us

For the times we have judged according to our own assumptions and drawn our own conclusions instead of seeking to truly understand those around us and the situations they face,

Lord Forgive Us

Lord for the times when we the words out of our mouth have been used to tear down and destroy rather than build people up and encourage them,

Lord Forgive Us

Lord for the times when we have used our faith as an excuse to hold bigoted views, to exclude people, and spread fear and hate,

Lord Forgive Us.

Lord God, you sent your son Jesus to be a sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, hear the prayers of your people and forgive us our sins,

Lord in Your Mercy Hear Our Prayer.

Prayers of Intercession

In a world that at times feels steeped in darkness, where disease and war are common place, we lift our eyes to the hills to see where hope can be found. Our hope comes from the maker of creation, who in his Son, Jesus, wrought our salvation and who is redeeming all of creation to himself. Jesus invites us to share in this mission united as one body to shine the light of God in the darkness around us and to speak blessing revealing God’s love and the hope that is found in Jesus.

Lord hear our prayer, and shine your light in the darkness.

We pray for Ukraine which in recent days has become a war zone, we pray for your hope to be revealed in this situation, for fighting to cease and for a diplomatic solution to be found. We pray for wisdom in actions taken by world leaders at this time and for cool heads to prevail. We pray that in amongst all the political positioning and posturing men and women of faith can be found speaking your love, peace and hope into this situation.

Lord hear our prayer, and shine your light in the darkness.

We pray for the Covid pandemic which does seem to be lessening at least in severity. We pray for the frontline staff in hospitals and medical centers around the world putting their health and at times lives on the line to treat and save others. We pray they may feel your presence with them as a source of hope.

We thank you that it seems like we are seeing the light and the end of the tunnel and we pray for world leaders and their advisors as they make decisions on scaling back restrictions, bless them with wisdom and understanding that they may take the best decisions prioritizing the health and welfare of their people.

Lord hear our prayer, and shine your light in the darkness.

 We pray for all of our political leaders, our MP’s and local councilors across the country making decisions on the running of government at national and local levels. We pray for your peace and protection on them as they look to serve their constituents. We pray that the Christians among them serving in government as their colleagues in local councils, in Westminster and as civil servants will use their platform to proclaim the hope that is found in Jesus and work for a society that reflects that love and hope. 

And we pray for the state of political discourse that seems to exist in a state of polarization where no side will constructively engage with another, where the nuance of debate is lost as no one is willing to listen. Where people who hold opposing views see each other as “other” and make them a focus of derision and hate. We recognise that this is a situation we often find ourselves in but we pray that we can step out of this and show what it looks like to hold differing views but still love and value those who disagree with us. May we reflect your love and bring hope and transformation to the way these discussions are held.

Lord hear our prayer, and shine your light in the darkness.

We pray for people who are alone and marginalized, and those who find themselves isolated and alone. We remember how Jesus through his miracles bought those who were on the fringes of society back into the community. May we be the hands the provide the healing and meet the practical needs of those on the edge of society so that they can join in and be part of our communities. We pray that as we do this we share the love and hope that is found in you.

Lord hear our prayer, and shine your light in the darkness.

We pray for those who suffer from illness and disability and particularly think of those whose illness is terminal. Draw near to them in their suffering and bring your comfort and peace, we pray for physical, emotional and spiritual healing for all those who need healing. We pray for the medical personnel who care for them that they are guided by your wisdom in their treatments.

For those who have been bereaved, lord you know the pain of loss we pray for you comfort and peace to surround them and console them in their grief. May you bring people around them to bring hope and joy back into their lives.

Lord hear our prayer, and shine your light in the darkness.

Lord, we live in a culture that is looking for heroes and saviors, it’s in all our stories, in books, TV shows, and Movies.  The hero who fights against the odds and saves the day, this is what the world is longing and hoping for. We believe that Jesus is the savior the world needs and is our only source of true hope. We pray that through our words, and actions we can point people to this hope and share his transformative love with the world.

Lord hear our prayer, and shine your light in the darkness.


Published by ctcole85

I am a Lay Worker and local preacher in training in the Leeds South and West Methodist Circuit. What you see on my page are my enthusiastic if not amateur reflections and prayers I have written as part of my work and own personal devotion.

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